Gilmore, Idaho News

Below is the current general news regarding Gilmore, Idaho:

  1. The first ever “Gilmore Days” was held in August of 2024!

EPA/IDEQ Related News:

  1. Sept 11th, 2024: In reply to the James Whitaker petition, effective immediately, the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will cease soil sampling and community engagement activities in the Gilmore townsite. They will no longer request access for sampling private properties or provide ongoing information about contamination cleanup unless directly requested by property owners.
  2. In July of 2024, James Whitaker presented the signed anti-EPA/IDEQ petition to the Lemhi County Commissioners at a meeting.
  3. On July 22nd – 23rd, 2024 the EPA, in coordination with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), will conduct a “Removal Action” to apply magnesium chloride dust suppressant to the dirt roads in the Gilmore townsite.